What I've been up to lately.
Well I suppose you'd like to know what all I've been up to lately. Well in the last year since I really did anything with the page I've done several things. One of these was to test for Sam Dan (third degree "black belt"). Another was to move. I'me still working at Lowes. And still in the delivery department.
I the realm of Soo Bahk Do I been up to quite a bit. Well among other things I tested for Sam Dan (3rd Degree) and I passed. I now have recently learned Sip Soo Hyung( the bear form) Yan pyan (Heavenly Whip) and Kong Sang Kun (the Eagle Form). I already knew Chil sung o ro hyung (seaven Star number 5) so now I have all my testing Hyungs for my next test. I'm also now teaching a Saturday night class. I've started referring to it as saturday night special. I'm doing a more intense warm up (involving push ups, crunches and 10 minutes or so of punhing exercise) and then sparring at the very end if the class.
In other areas well...to start with a friend of my Room mate Brad was murdered last Febuary. His name was Dr. James Dussault. Bard is now running his organization the World Natural Health Organization. he has asked me to be on it's Board of Directors. He also asked me yto be on the Board of Director for his Bible school Institute for Christian Works.